Meet the Rural & Indigenous Outreach (RIO) Team

  • Autumn Cantu

    RIO Director

    Koyukon Athabascan

  • Brittani Robbins

    RIO Manager

  • Jaylein Kriska

    RIO Manager

    Koyukon Athabascan

  • Zebediah Sheldon

    RIO Specialist

  • Fredrika Prince

    RIO Specialist

    Alaska Native Yup'ik

  • Emily Carroll

    RIO Specialist

  • Courtney Moore

    RIO Specialist

  • Sarina Lee

    RIO Specialist

    Dena’ina Athabaskan, Yup’ik, and Hawaiian

  • Casey Petersen-Shewfelt

    RIO Specialist

  • Kai'ler Sato

    RIO Specialist

  • Althea Hafford

    RIO Specialist

  • Gloria Prince

    RIO Specialist

  • Mandy Simpson

    RIO Specialist

  • Susan Apassingok

    RIO Specialist

RIO Working Group Members

  • Mission Statement:

    The Alaska Native Women's Resource Center is dedicated to strengthening local, tribal government's responses through community organizing efforts advocating for the safety of women and children in their communities and homes, especially against domestic and sexual abuse and violence. 

    Link to AKNWRC website.

  • Mission Statement:

    Through inspired leadership, voter education, and advocacy, Alaska Native Peoples lead the decisions that shape our world.

    Link to GOTNV website.

  • Mission Statement:

    Native Movement is dedicated to building people power, rooted in an Indigenized worldview, toward healthy, sustainable, & just communities for ALL. Native Movement supports grassroots-led projects that align with our vision, that endeavor to ensure social justice, Indigenous Peoples’ rights, and the rights of Mother Earth.

    Link to NM Website.

  • Mission Statement:

    Native Peoples Action gives voice to our ancestral imperative to uplift our peoples and protect our ways of life by taking a stand, working together and mobilizing action. We do this through ensuring Alaska Natives are heard in all levels of policy making, advocating for the wellness of our peoples and our ways of life, and by transforming social systems.

    Link to NPA or NPACF website.

  • Mission Statement:

    The Mobilization Center is an Alaska based, women owned, values driven company that provides a myriad of field organizing and canvassing services to support organizations and campaigns in Alaska. Our services are designed to educate, engage, and mobilize Alaskans on key issues that affect our state and the people who call Alaska home. It is our goal to work towards an Alaska that is just and fair for all, prioritize Alaskan voices, and empower Alaskans through civic engagement and voter outreach. 

    Link to TMC Webpage.