Meet the Team

  • Mandy Simpson

    Mandy Simpson (She/her)

    Currently in Craig, Alaska on Prince of Wales Island, born in Oregon however I have lived in Wrangell, Alaska for about 10 years on and off. Technically a 3rd generation Alaskan; My grandparents moved here in the 70’s and started a logging camp based out of Cape Pole, Alaska. Both my mother and father worked at the camp. My mother fished out of the Bering Sea in the 80’s, before she moved to Oregon and had me.

    I spend my free time with my family and kids, enjoying nature, hiking, picking berries, and looking at mushrooms. I believe every vote counts and I am excited to encourage people to vote and reach out and teach the community, and answer any questions they may have. It is important to make your voice heard to save the Alaskan way of life.